Uniform Requirements
Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade
Dress Code Policy (4-Year-Old Pre-Kindergarten - 8th grade)
Our school dress code is designed to provide options for school-appropriate clothing while creating an equitable, modest, disciplined, minimally distracting learning environment consistent with the values of Catholic schooling. We depend on parent cooperation in the enforcement of our dress code and thank you for your continued support. Consistent with our Family Handbook, students will be subject to our discipline policy for their respective grade if in violation. Any deviation to our dress code will be left to the discretion of our teaching staff which may result in a phone call to the parent and require an appropriate change of attire be brought to the school office.
At Ave Maria Academy, we cherish our traditions and values, and one of the ways we express these is through our attire on Mass days. We believe that dressing respectfully for Mass not only honors our faith, but also sets a positive example for our students. Please see below for our polic.
Girls: Khaki bottoms and plain or AMA logo white or navy blue polo top, plain socks and solid white, black, blue or brown shoes.
Boys: Khaki bottoms and plain or AMA logo white or navy blue polo top, plain socks and solid white, black, blue or brown shoes.
Shirts must be tucked in at all times unless it is a girl’s banded-bottom style. “Brand” logos (Under Armor, Ralph Lauren, etc.) will not be permitted.
Plain, solid polo shirts in white, navy, or light blue
Plain, athletic-style, moisture-wicking, collared shirt in white, navy, or light blue.
Plain banded bottom polo shirts in white, navy, or light blue (girls – does not need to be tucked in).
Oxford style shirts in solid white or light blue
Shirts may not be doubled
Plain neck crew, vest or cardigan button style knit in white or navy blue
Sweaters of all types should not be oversized or form-fitting.
Plain or Ave Maria Academy logo gray t-shirt or sweatshirt (no hoodie).
Plain or Ave Maria Academy logo black athletic pants or seasonal plain black fingertip length shorts. NO other logos, volleyball shorts, spandex, or yoga pants. No stripes.
Plain ankle cut tennis shoes in solid white or solid black with no-skid soles.
The gym uniform should be worn on the appropriate gym day.
All hoodies, sweatshirts, and jackets are considered outerwear and should not be worn during school hours. Crewnecks and quarter-zips that are AMA-branded or solid gray in color are acceptable dress code attire during the day.
Dockers-style pants in khaki or navy blue. No rivets, double stitching on seams, or jeans-type back pockets. No yoga pants!
A brown, navy, or black buckled waist level belt must be worn with pants. Velcro and magnetic belts may be worn by younger children.
Worn in August, September, October, April, May, and June
Dockers-style shorts in khaki or navy blue. No rivets, double stitching on seams, or jeans type back pockets.
A brown, navy, or black buckled waist level belt must be worn with shorts. Velcro and magnetic belts may be worn by younger children.
Shorts should be no more than 2” above the knee or not below the knee.
Skirts or skorts in khaki or navy. If your daughter wears a skirt, please be sure to have her wear shorts underneath so she can use playground equipment.
Skirts and skorts should be no more than 2” above the knee and not below the knee.
Jumpers/Polo Dresses
Girls in grades K-3 are also permitted to wear a plain khaki, plain navy jumper in place of the skirt/skort. If your daughter wears a jumper, please be sure to have her wear shorts underneath so she can use playground equipment.
Plain navy polo dresses may also be worn by girls in grades K-3.
SHOES: - Shoes must have backs and closed toes.
- Plain brown (solid in color), black (solid in color), or navy (solid in color) leather or leather type of shoe, No heels.
- Brown/tan (one solid color) boat shoes are allowed.
- Plain ankle cut tennis shoes in solid white or solid black with no skid soles. The top of the tennis shoe should not exceed the ankle bone.
- Name brand shoes MUST have the logo in the same (exact) color as the shoe.
- No adornments or embellishments of any kind. Laces must match tennis shoes.
- Velcro closure tennis shoes are acceptable for younger children.
- All boots (shoe type, leather, suede, suede, faux suede, rain, snow, etc.) are considered outerwear and should not be worn during school hours. No UGGS.
Girls – solid color ankle or calf-length socks, opaque tights, and cable knit tights or knee-high socks in white or navy. Socks should not have designs, logos, or patterns.
Boys – solid color white, navy, or black ankle or calf length. Socks should not have designs, logos, or patterns.
Dress Down Day Attire
Throughout the school year, there may be special “dress down days” to celebrate or recognize certain activities either outside of or inside of the school. Students do not have to participate in these days.
The following articles of clothing are NOT PERMITTED on these special dress down days:
Ragged, torn, ripped, or clothing with holes (jeans/tops/shorts)
Sleeveless shirts, halter tops, sheer material, spaghetti straps, tank tops
Cargo pants, Yoga pants, cut-off jeans, Spandex, leggings WITHOUT a long shirt, caps, hats, or Crocs
Low necklines, front or back
Shirts with any pictures or words advertising or referring to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or sexual situations or double meaning words
Shorts are not to be shorter than approximately two inches above the knee
The staff will have the final say on acceptable dress.
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