Uniform Requirements

Bishop Canevin High School students have a variety of uniform options throughout the year. We have a distinction of requirements based on the calendar and time of year.


Female students may wear either pants or skorts. BC Pants are paired with the BC polo shirts and BC skorts with the BC blouses using the specifics below. During the 2nd & 3rd quarters, females must also wear the appropriate tie if wearing the skort and blouse combination.

 Solid navy or blue plaid skort and blue or white blouses.
 The skort is worn to within 3 inches of the knee with appropriate socks.
 Ties are required when wearing the skort uniform during 2nd & 3rd quarters
 BC embroidered sweaters may also be worn with the skort outfit
 Khaki or navy with optional belt for girls
 Banded waist short-sleeved polo shirt in navy, white, or light blue or banded waist long-sleeved polo
shirt in navy or white with the official BC logo


Male students may wear a BC polo shirt or BC button down shirt during the 1st & 4th quarters and must wear the BC button down shirt and a tie during the 2nd & 3rd quarters. All uniform pieces must meet the specifications listed below.

 Uniform Pants only Khaki, navy or black pants sized to fit at the waist and worn with a belt.
 Polo shirt (navy or white) and oxford shirts (blue or white) with the official BC logo
o BC polo shirt is permitted from the start of school through during 1st & 4th quarters
o BC oxford cloth button down shirt with the official BC logo and ties are required during 2nd & 3rd quarters
o Neckties may be of any tasteful design.
o Only plain, solid, neutral colored t-shirts (without graphics) may be worn underneath the uniform shirt and may not extend below the shirt.
o Shirts must be tucked in at all times
o A BC official logo navy sweater or sweater vest may be worn.

 Shoes--Solid neutral color black, navy, or brown leather shoes in flats, penny loafers, boat, or oxford styles only. Shoes cannot have designs on them.
 Socks covering the ankle must be worn with the uniform.

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