Uniform Requirement

For the 2024-2025 school year, students will follow the following uniform schedule:
August 26, 2024 – November 1, 2024 – Fall/Spring Uniform
November 4, 2024 – March 26, 2025 – Winter Uniform
March 31, 2025 – June 6, 2025 – Fall/Spring Uniform

*The Administration reserves the right to alter the dates of seasonal uniform change based on predicted forecasts
and temperature of the school building.*

Early Fall/Spring Uniform - August 26, 2024 through November 1, 2024
March 31, 2025 - June 6, 2025
o Shirts - green or white, short or long sleeve, banded polo or oxford with school crest.
o Skorts/Skirts - khaki, navy, or school plaid skirt/skorts.
â–ª Skort length is to be no higher than 3” inches above the knee. Skorts cannot be altered, hemmed, or rolled to appear shorter. After three violations during the school year, a young lady will be asked to wear pants for the remainder of the
o Pants - navy or khaki pleated or flat front pants.
â–ª Pants will be worn at the waist with the proper fit and length. Pants that are pulled down to the hips or lower, excessively baggy, long, or tight are not permitted.
o Hosiery/Socks: ankle- or knee-length socks or hosiery. No thigh-high stockings. Matching pairs must be worn, in non-distracting colors.
o Sweater or Blazer- Grey sweater, sweater vest, or blazer with the school crest may be worn on top of collared polos or oxford shirts on cooler days. Sweater/vest is optional during early/fall spring uniform.
â–ª These items must have a school uniform collared shirt underneath them.

Winter - November 1, 2024 – March 26, 2025
o Shirts - White button-down oxford shirt with school logo.
â–ª The button-down oxford shirt must be tucked into the waistband.
o Sweater/Sweater Vest/Blazer - The sweater, sweater vest, or blazer is required on top of the button-down oxford shirt during the winter months.
â–ª The sweater/sweater vest may be removed and carried on unseasonably hot days to ensure that students do not overheat.
o Skorts - Khaki, Navy, or School Plaid Skort.
â–ª Skort length is to be no higher than 3” inches above the knee. Skorts cannot be altered, hemmed, or rolled to appear shorter. After three violations during the school year, a young lady will be asked to wear pants for the remainder of the
o Pants - Navy or Khaki pleated or flat front pants.
â–ª Pants will be worn at the waist with the proper fit and length. Pants that are pulled down to the hips or lower, excessively baggy, long, or tight are not permitted.
o Hosiery/socks: Ankle- or knee-length socks or hosiery. No thigh-high stockings.
Matching pairs must be worn in non-distracting colors.

Early Fall/Spring Uniform - August 26, 2024 through November 1, 2024
March 31, 2025 - June 6, 2025
Shirts - green or white short or long sleeve polo or oxford with school crest.
o Shorts - navy or khaki dress shorts.
â–ª Shorts should be flat-front or pleated golf shorts.
â–ª Shorts may not have multiple/cargo pockets.
â–ª Shorts must be worn with a belt - drawstring shorts are not permitted.
o Pants - navy or khaki pleated or flat front pants.
â–ª Pants will be worn at the waist with the proper fit and length. Pants that are pulled down to the hips or lower, or excessively baggy, long, or short are not permitted.
â–ª Pants with drawstring or lacking belt loops are not permitted.
o Belts - When pants are worn, a solid-colored brown, black, or navy natural or synthetic leather belt must be worn.
â–ª Extreme variants of the listed colors will not be allowed.
â–ª Belts must not be altered or decorated in any way, and must have a
standard, unmodified buckle free of any decoration.
o Sweater or Blazer - Grey sweater, sweater vest, or blazer with the school crest can be worn on top of collared polos or oxford shirts on cooler days. Sweater/vest is optional during early/fall spring uniform.
â–ª Sweater, sweater vest, or blazer must have a school uniform collared shirt underneath them.
â–ª Sweatshirts and Hoodies (even with school logos) are not permitted.

Winter - November 4, 2024 – March 26, 2025
o Shirts - green or white button-down oxford with the school crest.
o Necktie - solid or patterned necktie, worn under the collar and tied appropriately.
â–ª Neckties, when tied appropriately, should approach the top button of the oxford shirt around the neck. They should not hang loosely below the collar bone.
o Pants - navy or khaki pleated or flat front pants.
â–ª Pants will be worn at the waist with the proper fit and length. Pants that are pulled down to the hips or lower, or excessively baggy, long, or short are not permitted.
â–ª Pants with drawstring or lacking belt loops are not permitted.
o Belts - A solid-colored brown, black, or navy natural or synthetic leather belt must be worn. Extreme variants of the listed colors will not be allowed. Belts must not be altered or decorated in any way, and must have a standard, unmodified buckle free of any decoration
o Sweater or Blazer - gray sweater, sweater vest, or blazer with the school crest is
optional to be worn on top of oxford shirts.
â–ª Sweater, sweater vest, or blazer must have a school uniform collared shirt underneath them.

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